Republic of Korea

Contracting Party:   Korea Institute of Geoscience & Mineral Resources (KIGAM), Republic of Korea

Executive Committee Member:  Yoonho Song, KIGAM, Republic of Korea

Alternate Member:   Tae Jong Lee, KIGAM, Republic of Korea

Geothermal utilization in Korea revolves around geothermal heat pump (GHP) installations with an annual capacity increase of about 100 MWth resulting from an active government subsidy program and a “Mandatory Act” for renewable energy deployment in civic facilities. The total installed GHP capacity is ~1770 MWth at the end of 2023.

IEA Geothermal Group outside Sejong City Hall (2018). Sejong city has several large GHP installations including an installation at the City Hall.

GSHP installations and hybrid system R&D projects in conjunction with solar PV or biomass are being researched looking at the synergies in the use of different renewable energy sources. Underground thermal energy storage is also a topic of interest.

A presentation on 20 years of geothermal activity in the Republic of Korea can be viewed here (URL Link)

2023 Korea Country Report

2022 Korea Country Report

2021 Korea Country Report

2020 Korea Country Report

2019 Korea Country Report

2018 Korea Country Report

2017 Korea Country Report

2016 Korea Country Report

2015 Korea Country Report

2014 Korea Country Report

2013 Korea Country Report

2012 Korea Country Report