Our Organisation

The International Energy Agency Geothermal TCP is a framework for international collaboration and networking among nations, industries and industry organizations on geothermal energy and resources. It operates under the auspices of the International Energy Agency Technology Collaboration Programme.

IEA Geothermal


Download the current Executive Committee and Sponsor members contact details here.
Countries and organisations join the Executive Committee (ExCo) of IEA Geothermal through a formal application that involves IEA endorsement. Members and alternates are identified for each country or sponsor organisation. These members have an active voice in the management of IEA Geothermal.

If your country or organisation is an IEA Geothermal member then you can be involved in the leadership of the working groups and their activity.

An important output from participation is the IEA Geothermal Annual Report. The completed reports can be accessed here.


Two Executive Committee meetings are held annually.  These meetings steer the direction and work of IEA Geothermal.  The ExCo has a Chair supported several Vice-chairs. Annual financial contributions are paid into a common fund by member countries and sponsors.  A Secretariat managed by the Executive Secretary supports the work. The Secretariat provides secretarial, administrative, editorial, and writing services, and manages the web presence for the organisation.  The costs of Secretariat operation are met from the common fund.

Involvement in Work Programme Activity

A member or sponsor chooses which parts of the work it will participate in:

Areas of Activity Group


Data Collection and Information Topic
Environmental Impacts of Geothermal Development Working Group 1
Deep Roots of Volcanic Geothermal Systems Working Group 12
Emerging Geothermal Technologies Working Group 13
Geothermal Heating and Cooling Working Group 14

All member countries participate in the Data Collection and Information Topic.

New Topics and Tasks are added as the Executive Committee determines specific issues are to be collaboratively examined.

The working groups identify objectives, schedules, activities, planned outputs and funding provisions. Funding for the working groups is generally task-shared with participants allocating resources and personnel to conduct the work at their own expense. Some cost-sharing activities drawing on common funding are undertaken, although this is at a low level.

Results and outputs are shared among the participating countries, industries and industry organizations, and more widely disseminated through publications, international meetings, seminars and this web site.

The Data Collection and Information group (WG 10) publishes a comprehensive annual trend report on geothermal energy utilisation in IEA Geothermal member countries. These reports provide an excellent overview of the status of geothermal energy in the participant nations.

Joining IEA Geothermal as a Member

Looking to join IEA Geothermal?

It would be great to have you as a member.  Please email iea-giasec@gns.cri.nz with the subject line: Looking to Join.


If your country is already a member then you can participate in the work programmes of IEA Geothermal.  To do this please connect with your country member and discuss how to get involved.  Member contact information can be downloaded.

The International Energy Agency (IEA)

The International Energy Agency (IEA), based in Paris, France, was created in 1974 in response to the 1973-74 oil crisis. It is an autonomous organization dedicated to ensuring reliable, affordable and clean energy for its 28 member countries and beyond.  The IEA’s major focus areas are:

  • Energy security- promoting diversity, efficiency and flexibility within all energy sectors
  • Economic development- ensuring stable supply of energy to IEA Member Countries and promoting free markets to foster economic growth and eliminate energy poverty
  • Environmental awareness- enhancing international knowledge of options for tackling climate change
  • Engagement worldwide- working closely with non-Member countries to find solutions to shared energy and environmental concerns.

In addition to their many other responsibilities, the IEA encourages international collaboration in energy technology through its broad range of  38 multilateral technology initiatives (Technology Collaboration Programmes), nine of which are focussed on renewable energy, including IEA Geothermal.  More information on the TCP programmes can be accessed through this link.

For more information about the IEA go to: www.iea.org