2023 Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) Workshop
Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) Workshop – Netherlands
This workshop was a collaborative event jointly organised between GEOTHERMICA, IEA Geothermal and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). RVO sponsored the event which was held in Hoorn in the afternoon of the 20th April 2023 in conjunction with a morning site visit to the private utility ECW‘s, Middenmeer High Temperature Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage project. This is a GEOTHERMICA co-funded HEATSTORE project. There were further discussions held on the 21st April seeking to scope future workstreams that would assist in further fostering the uptake of ATES and associated technologies.
The presentations and other materials associated with the events can be accessed through the GEOTHERMICA website (URL to materials)
The presentations can also be accessed through the links below:
Bas Godschalk – State of the art of Low and High Temperature ATES in the Netherlands
Christian Minnig – ATES in Switzerland in 2023
Peter Meier – Status Heat storage project in Bern
Thorsten Hörbrand – The VESTA research and HT-ATES in a deep carbonate aquifer
Niels Hartog – Chemical and microbiological effects of HT-ATES on groundwater composition
Sebastian Bauer – ATES in Germany –Projects and insight from research on HT-ATES
Alexis McKittrick – Reservoir Thermal Energy Storage (RTES) Portfolio (USA)
Yoonho Song – Current status of ATES utilization in Korea
Nina Rman – Country update – SLOVENIA
Peter Oerlemans – Criteria for successful HT ATES application
Dorien Dinkelman – Importance and future of UTES – HEATSTORE Roadmap