2017 Asian Workshop Presentations
Presentations from the Workshop ‘Geothermal Energy Development for a Green Economy’
Hanoi, Vietnam
13-14 November 2017
1-01 Wissing Introduction to Asian Workshop on Geothermal Energy
1-02 Ngoc Demand for geothermal energy development in Vietnam
1-05 Joerg Impulse Drilling and Innovative Advanced Drilling Systems
1-09 Yasukawa Cooling with Ground Sourced Heat Pumps – south east asia
1-12 Link Smart Geothermal Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
1-13 Linde Geothermal District Cooling and Binary Power Production
2-02 Bromley Geophysical Signatures for Identifying Naturally Occurring Hydrothermal Systems
2-03 GRAME – Geothermal Energy in the Bavarian Molasse Basin
2-06 Pirarai Thailand Geothermal Exploration and Development
2-07 Nguyen Vietnam Utilization of mineral water and hot water resources in South Central Vietnam
2-08 Thang Vietnam Research Development and Geothermal Potential