IEA Technology Collaboration Programmes

IEA Geothermal is connected into other IEA TCPs

Energy Storage (Energy Storage TCP)

Heat Pumping Technologies (HPT TCP)

District Heating and Cooling including Combined Heat and Power (DHC TCP)

And is connected into a number of IEA TCP Coordination Groups

Critical minerals

Thermal Network Coordination Group (TNCG)


On the 18th November 1974 the member governments of the International Energy Agency agreed to undertake long-term co-operation in the field of energy research and development.  Out of that decision came the establishment of the IEA Technology Collaboration Program with various Implementing Agreements subsequently established.


There are 38 IEA TCPs supporting the work of independent, international groups of experts working in programmes and on projects on a wide range of energy technologies and related issues.

Explore the range of IEA TCP activity through this URL Link.