Contracting Party: ENEL Green Power, Italy
Executive Committee Member: Sara Montomoli, ENEL Green Power, Italy
Alternate Member: Paci Marco, ENEL Green Power, Italy
In Italy geothermal resources are used mainly for electricity generation. All the geothermal plants in operation are located in Tuscany, in the two “historical” areas of Larderello-Travale and Mount Amiata. In 2021, Italy had an installed capacity of 915 MWe (running capacity 774MWe) producing gross generation of 5917 GWh, representing 2.1% of the total domestic generation, and meeting more than 30% of the electricity demand in Tuscany.
In addition to electricity generation, geothermal fluids are used as heat sources, mainly for spas, space and district heating, greenhouses and fish farming. In 2020, the supply of thermal energy totaled ~9,700 TJ.
Recent research has focused on ground surface soil gas emissions / flux, power plant greenhouse gas emissions, reuse of geothermal gases and mineral recovery (lithium) from geothermal brines.
To find out more about Italian Geothermal Activities visit the National Geothermal Associations Web Site.