European Commission
Contracting Party: DG Research & Innovation and DG-Energy, Belgium
Executive Committee Member: Luca Giovannelli, DG Research & Innovation, Directorate Clean Planet – Unit C.2 Clean Energy Transitions, Belgium
Alternate Member: Drazen Tumara, European Commission – Joint Research Centre, Netherlands
The EC is actively supporting geothermal energy through its Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation. Significant work programmes are being funded in geothermal energy, in shallow, deep, supercritical and EGS work. The Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan) is guiding the work being undertaken. The 2023 report covers off on the many Geothermal programmes that the EC is funding and involved with. Geothermal related projects that commenced in 2023 include:
PUSH-IT - Piloting Underground Storage of Heat In geoThermal reservoirs
SMILE - MultidiSciplinary and MultIscale approach for coupLed processes induced by geo-Energies
EarthSafe - Unveiling Earth’s Critical Resources for Clean Energy and a Sustainable Future
CONCRETER - Groundwater flow CONtrols on CRitical zonE ThErmal Regime
EGT-TWINN - Enhancing research capacity at the Geological Survey of Estonia to accelerate the country's transition to green energy
DERISK - Deep lEarning foRecasting of Induced Seismicity for risK management operations
GEOBOOST - Boosting geothermal heat pumps to mainstream cost-effective and efficient renewable heating and cooling in buildings
Low2HighDH - Developing methodologies for the integration of low-grade energy sources into high-temperature district heating networks