Spanish Technology and Innovation Platform on Geothermal (GEOPLAT)
Executive Committee Member: Margarita de Gregorio, Geoplat, Spain
Alternate Member: Paloma Pérez, Geoplat, Spain
The Spanish Technology and Innovation Platform on Geothermal – GEOPLAT – is a scientific and technical geothermal stakeholder coordination group. GEOPLAT works to identify and develop sustainable strategies for the promotion and marketing of geothermal energy in Spain. There are four pillars to GEOPLAT activity; research, innovation, transference to the market, and public-private collaboration.
2023 saw the allocation of 120 million euros for medium and high temperature geothermal feasibility studies at 14 locations across Spain. The funding is from the European Union, NextGenerationEU Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Facility. These studies scheduled for completion by 30th June 2026 mark a turning point in the geothermal sector as they include geothermal power generation studies on the Canary Islands. Subsequent realisation of the Canary Island projects will see, for the first time, the generation of electricity from Spanish geothermal resources.
The official 2022 census data for geothermal heat pumps in Spain identified ~200 MW of installed heating capacity.
GEOPLAT focuses on boosting research, innovation and developing sustainable strategies for the promotion, implementation and dissemination of geothermal energy in Spain. GEOPLAT’s activities cover research, development and innovation, the identification and evaluation of resources, and the use of geothermal energy in all of its forms and technologies.
For more information about GEOPLAT, please visit the GEOPLAT website.
2023 Spain report
2022 Spain report
2021 Spain report
2020 Spain report
2019 Spain report
2018 Spain report
2017 Spain Report
2016 Spain Report